Seek Me With All Your Heart is a gem of a novel by Beth Wiseman. Whether you love Amish fiction or not, I think you will enjoy this book. It is a heartfelt and heartstring-tugging story that takes place in the brand new Amish settlement in Canaan, Colorado. Emily Detweiler and her family are trying to escape from the memory of a tragedy that took place in their old hometown in Ohio. David Stoltzfus and his family have also moved to Canaan for a fresh start, though David would much rather be back home in Paradise, Pennsylvania. What will happen if these two hurting souls can move past their own pain and find friendship? Well, that's for you to find out when you read this book!
I have found that most of the time when I read stories about the Amish, I cannot connect with the characters in the story. Their lives are just too different and too perfect. But Seek Me With All Your Heart is so much different-- and better. The characters are human and face struggles in their daily lives and in their faith. You find yourself being drawn deep into the story (and reading late into the night).
As David and Emily's story progresses, their faith is strengthened and they make new friends along the way. But this is not just the story of David and Emily. You will also meet and follow their families.
I would highly recommend this inspirational journey to Canaan. But be warned! When you reach the end, you will be longing for the next book in the series. Please hurry, Beth Wiseman, and write another story about Canaan, Colorado!
If you're interested in this story, click here to learn more: Seek Me With All Your Heart Product Page.
If you're interested in this story, click here to learn more: Seek Me With All Your Heart Product Page.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the <> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 <>: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."