Friday, January 10, 2014

Pilgrimage by Lynn Austin

I don't read a lot of non-fiction. I would much rather read something with a good storyline, characters, a plot. But when I read the description of Pilgrimage, I was instantly intrigued. For years I have had something of an obsession with Israel, and the opportunity to read and review a book about an author's spiritual journey during her time there? I just couldn't pass it up.

Within the first chapter, Lynn Austin had caught not only my attention, but also my heart and soul. It seemed like the book had been written just for me. The issues she was struggling with-- adapting to change, feeling adrift in her relationship with God, desiring a deeper faith-- I was struggling with too. And as I read, I was traveling with her through Israel, seeing the sites and feeling old familiar Bible stories come alive in new ways. As I read the scripture verses she included, I learned with her all the lessons God was teaching her. And I can honestly say my faith has been positively impacted by Pilgrimage. My copy of the book is highlighted and marked so that I can flip through and easily find the passages that influenced me. And to me, that is the mark of a truly great book-- if it impacts you enough that you don't want to forget what it taught you.

I recommend Pilgrimage to everyone. It may not touch each of you in the same way it touched me, but I believe that it will still impact your life and you will walk away from it changed in at least some small way.

I received this book free from Bethany House publishers as part of their blogger book review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions expressed are my own.  

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